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Background and Overview of the Value-Based Arrangements Guide
A. Background
One approach for capturing the value infectious diseases physicians provide is by clearly attributing their activities to institution-wide quality of care and/or cost savings. Because ID physicians’ scope of practice and administrative responsibilities can differ considerably by geography or practice type (i.e., academic, community or private practice), ID physicians need to be informed about current opportunities in which similarly situated peers are being recognized and, in some cases, compensated for contributing to good outcomes or reduced cost of care. This guide is designed to educate ID physicians about value-based reimbursement concepts and contracting approaches such that IDSA members have the background information needed to advocate for alternative compensation or reimbursement methodologies with their employers or hospital or academic medical center administrators.
The Value-Based Arrangements Guide is one of several resources developed as part of IDSA’s Compensation Initiative, designed to improve ID physician compensation as a key component of IDSA’s Strategic Plan.
B. Overview of the VBA Guide
This guide outlines the general approaches, strategies and materials to assist physicians in negotiating for compensation or reimbursement that is tied to value-based concepts. With easy-to-navigate links to the different sections of the guide, it provides ID physicians with practical information that can be implemented across a variety of practice settings, from baseline education about value-based concepts and programs to ID-applicable examples of where and how value-based compensation or reimbursement concepts can be adopted. Physicians will need to first understand the concepts of value-based care delivery and payment before considering initiating negotiations with administration or payers for new compensation or reimbursement terms.
This guide was developed under the leadership of IDSA’s Compensation Task Force in partnership with ECG Consultants. To develop the playbook, IDSA and ECG undertook an intensive data-gathering process to better understand the current ID compensation landscape and determine the root causes of the consistent undervaluation of the profession. The following ID compensation survey data-based hypotheses have been developed to inform the guide:
• We believe the efforts of ID physicians result in quality improvements and actual cost savings for their partnering health systems, and it is possible to measure and recognize the impact of this effort. However, it can be challenging to attribute these quality improvements and cost savings to the efforts of individual ID physicians.
• We believe ID physicians should be recognized for the value they provide to the community through non-patient-facing and nontraditional clinical activities.
C. Acknowledgements
IDSA wishes to thank the following IDSA members who contributed time and expertise to the development of this guide:
Rima Abdel-Massih, MD, Mark D. Call, MD, David C. Classen, MD, Ronald E. Devine, MD, Joshua C. Eby, MD, Nada Fadul, MD, Kevin P. High, MD, Theresa Madaline, MD, Trini A. Mathew, MD, MPH, Jeanne Marrazzo, MD, Celia Maxwell, MD, David S. McKinsey, MD, Daniel P. McQuillen, MD, Ronald G. Nahass, MD, Trish Perl, MD, Steven Schmitt, MD, William J. Steinbach, MD, Uzma Syed, DO, Robin L. Trotman, DO, and Bonnie M. Word, MD.
We also wish to acknowledge the ECG Consultants team for their contributions: Clark Bosslet, Stuart McClure, Amy Strauss and Jessica Reed.